Faculty of Music

The Vocal Studies Department

In the Performing Arts study program – module Vocal Studies, significant attention is given to the development of students’ creative artistic capacities, with an aim to form the music personality of a higher-level professional vocal soloist.

In addition to acquiring abilities for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of ensembles, students gain competencies for work in the field of music pedagogy in music schools, as well as in the cultural institutions.

The classes are individual (in the main subject – Solo singing) and group (Chamber music, Vocal studies teaching methods and other courses).

The main subject program requirements are precisely defined, leaving nevertheless the space for the individual program to be formed according to each student’s capabilities. Gradualness in the rise of the program requirements enables continual development of interpretative-technical potentials in students.

Learning outcomes include obtaining skills for practicing and rehearsing, playing in ensembles, artistic expression and public performance, understanding the repertoire and music material, along with skills in teaching vocal studies using contemporary principles and methods.

In the Opera studio, particular emphasis is put on stylistic approach to performing opera excerpts or entire works.

Professional title gained upon completing master academic studies in module Vocal Studies is master musician.

Teaching Staff