Faculty of Music

Aleksandra Miletić, PhD

Associate professor of Music pedagogy

Aleksandra Miletić (1969), graduated at the Department for General Music Pedagogy of the Faculty of Musical Arts in Belgrade in 1993. She gained the academic title of Magister of Science (Master of Science) at the Faculty of Musical Arts in Belgrade in 1996, in the class of prof. Zorislava M. Vasiljević, with the defence of her thesis Functional Method of Miodrag A. Vasiljević and its Applicability Today), in the field of Methodology of Solfeggio Teaching. She defended her doctoral thesis Интеграција класичног и традиционалног музичког образовања у настави музичког описмењавања (Integration of Traditional and Classical Music Education in Teaching Music Literacy) in 2011 and gained the title of Doctor of Didactic-Methodological Science at the Teachers’ Education Faculty in Belgrade. She has also studied in Lyon (2003) where she had the opportunity to familiarise herself with the organisation of primary and secondary musical education in France.

Since in 2014, she has worked at the Teachers’ Education Faculty in Belgrade. Starting in 2021/2022, she has been employed at the Faculty of Musical Arts and has taught at all levels of academic studies.

She has authored the monograph Од народне тоналности до дур-мол система у настави музичке писмености (From Folk Tonal Bases to Major-Minor systems in Musical Literacy Teaching, 2018), the monographic study Почетно музичко описмењавање на српском музичком језику (Initial Musical Literacy in the Serbian Musical Language, 2011), the manual Тонске основе српског музичког наслеђа (Tonal Bases of Serbian Musical Heritage, 2008). She has also authored and co-authored solfeggio textbooks for primary musical education in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. She has published a series of scientific papers on the topics of musical literacy, the methodology of solfeggio teaching, and music pedagogy. She has also participated in several scientific and expert conferences on the national and international level.