Faculty of Music

Join the IN.TUNE alliance in strengthening our research dimension! This opportunity allows for international collaboration, sharing of expertise, and driving innovative research initiatives. Apply by July 31, 2024, to be part of this dynamic group.

The European Universities Alliance IN.TUNE is looking for members for its Working group Research Areas and Environments. The work period of this group will be from mid-September 2024 until the end of 2027.

Eight persons altogether will be recruited for this working group, one from each partner institution.

This group will be working with:

  • an inventory and comparative analysis of research
  • identifying research areas for further cooperation and joint research
  • setting up a knowledge hub
  • curating content for a conference
  • contributing to the formulation of IN.TUNE research position paper

The working group will work together with the Work package 4 committee members.

We are looking for candidates from the academic staff with scientific or artistic research responsibilities, research leaders who are in contact with the broad scope of research activities of their institution, research administrators or specialists.

Additional information:
IN.TUNE Institutional alliance manager, professor Ivana Perkovic

IN.TUNE Work package 4 member, professor Dejan Subotic

Link to the Briefing Paper BRIEFING PAPER IN.TUNE WP 4.pdf

Link to IN.TUNE webpage

Thank you to the whole IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe community for joining us on March 6th 2024 for the kickoff online meeting.

270 students, teachers, researchers and members of staff from 8 universities in the field of music and arts joined us to hear more on how to be:

– TUNE with each other
– TUNE with our institutional strategic policies
– TUNE with the latest developments in higher education at European level
– TUNE together, with the demands from society

Take a look into the Alliance presentation that was shown at the Kick-off meeting.

IN.TUNE invites you to join us in exploring cooperation opportunities.

The only European University Alliance in the field of Music and Arts is calling its teachers, students, researchers and professional staff to the IN.TUNE Kick-off meeting. Join us on Wednesday 6 March from 15:00 to 17:00 CET (16:00–18:00 EET) on Zoom.

– Meet the IN.TUNE people
– Learn about the opportunities for institutions, teachers, students and professional staff
– Hear what there is for you
– Ask questions

Innovative new co-operation launched during 2023 AEC Congress in The Hague

[The Hague, 10 November 2023] – The European Union has selected the application for IN.TUNE –Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe as one of the seven outstanding alliances out of 39 submissions. The official launch of the program took place today, during the 50th annual AEC congress at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. This first European Universities Alliance in the area of music and arts fully subscribes to the principles and goals set by the recent European Strategy for Universities, which underlines the important role of higher education in shaping sustainable, democratic and resilient societies. It is as a role model for the transformation of the European higher music education sector towards an inclusive and excellent, societally responsible and autonomous, innovative and student-centred future.

A strong consortium in the midst of societal change

IN.TUNE is set to become a remarkable addition to the European University initiative, being the first alliance dedicated to the field of music and arts. The establishment of IN.TUNE takes place in the midst of various societal developments, which present both opportunities and challenges to higher music education and the cultural and creative sector. Changes in the situations of musicians and artists due to rapid technological developments, shifts in professional roles and increasingly insecure forms of funding to the cultural and creative sector, are urging institutions to adapt their traditional pedagogical practices. IN.TUNE brings together a consortium of prestigious institutions that share a collective vision of enhancing their quality, performance, attractiveness, and international competitiveness. The partner institutions include the Norwegian Academy of Music Oslo, National University for Music Bucharest, Conservatoire de Paris, Uniarts Helsinki – Sibelius Academy, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya Barcelona, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of the Arts The Hague – Royal Conservatoire, and University of Arts Belgrade.

Working towards long-term sustainability
The collaboration’s design is rooted in the creation of frameworks, methodologies, and policies, each with specific activities and deliverables aimed at ensuring long-term sustainability. The alliance’s work revolves around four core thematic areas: Joint Education Provision & Mobility, Research & Innovation, Societal Engagement, and Alliance Governance & Cooperation. These areas will be addressed through eight work packages with each partner institution leading one but also actively participating in others, ensuring that expertise, commitment, and workload are equally distributed. Key outcomes will include mobility frameworks, research and innovation collaboration mechanisms, and policies for societal engagement. Lies Colman, director of the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague: ‘The COVID pandemic has had an enormous impact on art education and artistic activity, especially in the field of the performing arts. Other major global challenges, such as geopolitical instability, climate change and the growing awareness of the importance of diversity, inclusion, equity and gender equality, make it necessary that we, as leading and internationally oriented institutions, take an active stance toward these societal developments. By doing this together, we will not only be more effective, but also offer a meaningful contribution to strengthening a European identity and promoting European values, which we believe to be crucial in addressing and resolving large societal challenges.’

Rector of the University of Arts in Belgrade, Prof. Mirjana Nikolić, PhD, in her presentation emphasized the importance of the topics that IN.TUNE will deal with, as well as satisfaction with the opportunity to participate in the realization of the operational and strategic goals of such an important and specific alliance: ‘Together with our European partners, we are filled with great enthusiasm and readiness to share experiences, learn from each another, and collectively flourish within the realm of the IN.TUNE university alliance, which brings together the most significant universities in the field of music and arts. We recognize the immense value of this initiative as it encompasses the development of teaching and learning, research and innovation, aligning seamlessly with the university’s third mission and the key areas outlined in the national strategy for universities in Serbia.’

Next steps

The collaboration aims to play an active role in shaping the future of both the sector and our societies by taking up the educational, professional, societal, technological and ecological challenges of today through creating a forward-looking institutional environment, and by empowering students and staff to address these challenges in their creative work. In the coming months, the eight partner institutions will be working on the first outlines of the framework around the core thematic areas. Each lead institution will keep involved and interested parties updated via regular publications on the website intune-alliance.eu.

For further information, please contact:
Tone Jordhus, Norwegian Academy of Music Oslo: Tone.Jordhus@nmh.no
Martin Prchal, Royal Conservatoire The Hague: M.Prchal@koncon.nl

About IN.TUNE:
IN.TUNE is an Innovative Universities in Music & Arts alliance established to foster collaboration and transformation in the field of music and arts education across Europe. Comprising eight distinguished partner institutions, IN.TUNE is committed to enhancing the quality, performance, and international competitiveness of arts education and research.
Website address: www.intune-alliance.eu

The first European university alliance in the field of music, IN.TUNE, is about to start!

On July 3rd 2023, the European Commission published the selection results of the 4th Erasmus+ call for European Universities’ alliances. EU supported 7, of the 39 applications received, including IN.TUNE project – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe. The University of Arts in Belgrade, together with partner institutions in the project, joined 44 existing alliances in the context of the European University Initiative. IN.TUNE is the only alliance in the field of music, and the Faculty of Music, as part of the University of Arts in Belgrade, is an academic partner that will actively participate in all work packages!

The IN.TUNE partners are the Norwegian Academy of Music Oslo (coordinator of the project), Conservatoire de Paris, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya Barcelona, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of the Arts The Hague – Royal Conservatoire, National University for Music Bucharest, Uniarts Helsinki – Sibelius Academy, and University of Arts Belgrade.

The institutions forming IN.TUNE have committed to the development of a joint long-term strategy with a strong artistic dimension for deep cooperation in high-quality education, research, innovation and service to society.

IN.TUNE will be promoted at the The Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) Annual Congress and General Assembly 2023 on November 10th, 2023 , and the official start of work it is scheduled for January 1st, 2024.


Dr Ivana Perković, professor at the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, has been elected for Secretary General of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) at the General Assembly meeting held in Lyon on 12 November 2022. Secretary General has a voting capacity, along with the president and three members of the Executive Committee, in managing AEC as the leading voice for Higher Music Education in Europe.

From March 31 to April 3 2022, the Faculty of Music in Belgrade will be proud host to Martin Prchal, vice-principal at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Netherlands). During his stay, he will meet the students of BA, MA and PhD studies and talked them through diverse ways and means of integrating entrepreneurial approach in music with artistic identities, music performance and research practice and professional integration.
Martin Prchal’s visit is organized in the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE DEMUSIS project.
More on the topics and schedule of lectures and workshops for students can be found here.

Individual classes begin on Friday, October 1st 2021.

Bachelor courses begin on Monday, October 4th 2021

Master, Specialist and PhD courses begin on Monday, October 11th 2021.

Preliminary teaching schedule for the fall semester of the academic year 2021/22 is available on page Teaching schedule.

Guidelines for teaching are available here.